PEP Talks: People Empowering People
PEP Talks: People Empowering People
Pearl “Escape” Howie: We all need to escape sometimes
Pearl comes to us having traveled the world to learn from healing masters: a
Sikh yogi, a Toltec family, a Bhutanese monk, a Vietnamese nun, an
African shaman, a Native American healer, an Indian guru and experts
in Borneo, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Hawaii.
She has had a diverse history of careers including a filmmaker, with a Masters in Film and working in finance until she realized her job wasn’t serving her. And She is now a Zumba® Instructor, not just teaching master classes, but also pioneering Zumba Gold® with chair classes for people suffering from multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.
She is the award-winning author of 70 books, of which more than 35 are
officially best sellers. Her book "free Feeling Real Emotions Everyday" is about waking up to the things inside herself she had numbed. She didn't do it with alcohol or drugs, prescription painkillers, gambling, work or even perfectionism, mainly she did it with positive thinking - looking on the bright side and shutting down anything that wasn't "keep smiling."
We are going to learn how Pearl helps people feel alive, wake up to their own life, and follow their hearts through writing, photography, books, classes, videos, whichever tool feels right!!
We learned from Pearl:
Whatever you experience in a lifetime is worth sharing.
*You don’t have to travel in order to explore.
*You can wake up your life by reading, watching videos, taking classes, writing and photography
*You only get one life-Live it fully
*If you are spending your weekends recovering from the stress of your workweek maybe it is time for a change.